A plethora of information about Web Design, The Process of Web Design, and The Important Role Websites Play in Your Business

Employee Practicing Learnability in Web Design

Breaking Down the Importance of Learnability in Web Design

Making your business eye-catching can mean a variety of things — visibility, convenience, social media and brand strategy, digital presence, website design, and more. 
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Web Design and Marketing Collateral: How to Marry the Two

Cohesive branding is essential to successful marketing. The stories you tell about your company or product should reinforce and play off of one another to make a complete and compelling picture. The tools companies use to market their services are collectively referred to as marketing collateral, and include any print or digital medium used to promote the brand. 
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Scrolling a restaurant menu

What You Need To Know About Mobile Website Design in 2020

Mobile web design is a critical component of your online business. The majority of the world's web traffic comes from mobile devices and this trend continues to grow year by year. Businesses that do not optimize their website for mobile risk falling behind and losing out on visitors and conversions to an ever increasing degree.
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Customer Looking at Unsung Web Design on Mobile Device

Answering the World’s Most FAQs About Websites

Whether you’re starting a business from scratch or running an enterprise-level brand, there’s one thing that every company needs: a website. There’s no getting around it –– in the modern world, having a digital presence that is thoughtfully designed and meticulously maintained is crucial for success.
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We went to WordCamp Orange County – Here’s What We Gleaned

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.” WordCamp is where creative minds go to talk (and learn) about WordPress. As WordPress aficionados, we attended last year not fully sure of what to expect and our experience…
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Investing in Your Company, Online

Many business owners see their website as a formality rather than the marketing tool that it is. This is why whenever they invest in a website; they rarely ever go through the pains of updating, blogging, or creating new/refreshing content. However, as a business owner, a website is a virtual window which your customers see you through, and it can prove to be very beneficial to your business.
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Website First Impressions are Invaluable

The first impression, they say, is everything - and studies are now showing this is true for your website as well.
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Is It Time For A Website Redesign?

Your website should be an integral part of your business today. It’s not enough to simply set up a Wix or Squarespace site and hope that it draws customers in. It needs frequent updating, keeping with internet trends and that includes the design of your website.
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How To Know If You Need A Website

Having a website and carrying out effective marketing is seen as an absolute must for any business but not everyone sees the value of investing in a website.
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