Answering the World’s Most FAQs About Websites

By: William Scott, Website & Brand Strategist
Linkedin: WilliamUnsung
Whether you’re starting a business from scratch or running an enterprise-level brand, there’s one thing that every company needs: a website. There’s no getting around it –– in the modern world, having a digital presence that is thoughtfully designed and meticulously maintained is crucial for success. 
But what goes into a website? And how can you ensure that your website is one of the good ones? There’s a lot to consider before you are up and running. Here are some of the common questions we get: 

How much will my website cost? 

Every brand has a budget, so it’s a no brainer that website cost is a question that’s on every client’s mind. So, how much is this going to cost? The truth is, there’s no straightforward answer. 
When it comes to websites, like many things, a lot of your cost breakdown is going to depend on your needs and expectations. Think of planning your website like planning a vacation: there’s a world of options. Your final price is closely tied to your final destination. For example, a backpacking trip through hostels is going to cost you much less than a 5-star resort in a pricy locale. And a one-page, minimalist website is going to cost you less than an e-commerce site with a long list of bells and whistles. 

How long will it take to build my website? 

Again, the timeline will vary. Remember the vacation analogy? 
It depends on where you’re starting and where you want to end up. If you want to go to Thailand but live in South America, the duration is going to be longer than if you were visiting from a neighboring country. 
The journey to build your website depends on the to-do list at hand. Do you already have your brand’s look and feel down? Is your content organized and ready to go? How long it will take you to get where you want to go depends on where you’re starting. 
On average, a typical website build takes about 4 to 6 weeks from start to finish. For many brands, content is the limiting factor controlling how fast the project can move. After all, if you don’t know what’s going to go on your website, it’s hard to bring it to life. Content production can take weeks on its own, so it’s important to factor that portion of your website into your timeline expectations. 
After building websites for clients across industries with various end goals in mind, we’ve mastered making the process as seamless as possible. That means no matter where you’re coming from or where you want to go, we’ll get you there as soon as possible. 

How will I keep my website up to date after it’s finished?

Continuing to update your website content is just as important as your site’s initial build. This helps accurately reflect your brand to users –– keeping them clued in to current information, new updates, the latest happenings, and more –– but it also positions you for success with search engines. Google, and its alternatives, favor websites that are updated frequently. 
When your website is handed off to you, it will be easy tweakable with complimentary training from our team. Alternatively, many customers continue their relationship with us, opting to pass on any quick changes needed so that, together, we ensure the longevity of the site at hand. 
Two People Discussing Mobile Web Design

Will my website show up in search results? 

What good is a website if nobody can find it? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the key factor in ensuring that your website is search engine friendly. 
Behind the scenes of every website, we lay a foundation that the search engines will recognize and appreciate, considering proper structure and including helpful page markup to make your site appear in results. Plus, every site we build is submitted to all the major search engines (like Google and Yahoo). This extra step allows the search engines to index your site and then, serve it up in searches. 
Getting your site in the search results is one thing –– and getting it to the top is entirely another. Your position in search results depends on a multitude of factors, such as your website’s age, content, design, relevance, competitors, and more. If SEO is a top concern for your website redesign, we can help you navigate the search engine waters by analyzing how your site already performs and where design can improve its performance. 
Not all websites are created equal –– if you have questions or concerns about how building a website would work for your brand, we’d love to help. Together, we can create a plan of action to make your online presence effective and impactful.