Is It Time For A Website Redesign?

"Your website is your #1 marketing tool and your employee that never takes a day off"

By: William Scott, Website & Brand Strategist
Linkedin: WilliamUnsung

Your website should be an integral part of your business today. It’s not enough to simply set up a Wix or Squarespace site and hope that it draws customers in. It needs frequent updating, keeping with internet trends and that includes the design of your website. Many businesses quickly come to find that the benefits of a website redesign are well worth the effort.

Here are 4 signs that it’s time for a website redesign.


Your Competitors Websites Look Better Than Yours

Take a look at your main competitor’s websites. If you’re immediately impressed by their appearance and ease of navigation, then you can imagine what potential customers must think. You need to step up your site to be even better so that you gain an advantage over the competition. Gaining an advantage, by having a better-looking website than your competition is step one.


Your Website Is Still Not Responsive

Web users are increasingly using alternatives to desktops and laptops, including mobile devices, tablets, and even TVs. For this reason, it’s essential that your web design is fully responsive. If not, visitors will click away quickly and you’re missing out on a substantial amount of traffic.


You're Embarrassed To Direct People To Your Website

If your website is so outdated that you’re embarrassed to even share it, that’s about as big of an indicator as you need to make updating it a priority now. You should be aiming to drive as much as traffic as possible to your site. Use it to impress visitors and enhance your brand.


You Want To Convert More Leads and Increase Sales

Every business wants to convert more leads and make more sales, but your web design could be holding you back. Take the time to do an honest evaluation of your site and see where you can make improvements. A few simple updates could be the keys to converting more visitors into buyers.