Do I Need A Website?

"Your website is a Swiss army knife for your business - use it accordingly."

By: William Scott, Website & Brand Strategist
Linkedin: WilliamUnsung

Having a website and carrying out effective marketing is seen as an absolute must for any business but not everyone sees the value of investing in a website. FUN FACT: In 2017 a website was the most effective way to market and increase traffic both in store and on online. Now, in 2020 your online presence is even more important as 50% of customers search for you before they physically step foot in your door.

And if those two facts don't do it for you, here's four more reasons why a website and online presence are invaluable for your business growth!

Do You Need A Website? Do You Want Your Customers To Learn About You Online? Yes.

It's Expected by Your Customers (and Google)

Your customers actually expect to find your website when looking for a provider of services or goods. By not having a website and online presence, you can appear less reputable. Your online presence is a vital step towards attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Don’t let a lack of online presence get in your way.

How do people search for you? GOOGLE (also, Bing and Yahoo)! Without a website and online presence, how are people expected to know your hours, make reservations, and be informed of you’re latest deals or events? In 2018 having a website isn’t an option, it’s a necessity.

Websites Are Your First Impression

Websites = Instant Credibility

Just starting a business? You can appear much more seasoned with a website! Your website and online presence is a major part of this and by presenting yourself as knowledgeable or long-standing adds instant credibility. People will check you out online before they buy or even walk into your store. If you are not there, they’re likely to go to a competitor, who does have a website and online presence. You definitely don’t want that to happen. Having a website creates instant value in the form of credibility, sprinkle in some Organic SEO and you’ll be competing on the local level instantly.

Two People Discussing Mobile Web Design


You are forgiven if you have never heard of this term before. Some customers start at your website and arrive at your physical store or office – this is webrooming. People do the research online before coming directly to you. This is a hidden benefit of your website and online presence and one that cannot always be measured.

Sharing Links Increases Visibility

Spreading The Word

Your website contains your own personal content. This makes it the perfect location to educate your customers about your brand. Use it to show off your personality and what you stand for. People buy from brands that they connect with and if your target market finds shared goals, ideas, and aspirations, you will be far more likely to secure their business in the future.

Having a website gives your business a personal soapbox, that allows others to spread the word!