Evolve Fitness Homepage Design

Evolve Personalized Fitness

Along with being frustrated with their previous web service Evolve Fitness completely pivoted at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic to online training and needed a website redesign. They wanted to work with a local company as there was to be consistent back and forth with the occasional in-person meeting. Unsung Web Design started by clarifying their message - "Private Boutique Gym and Results Based Training Center".

Unsung Web Design optimized Evolve's website with organic SEO allowing strong Google favorability. Fast load speed, mobile responsive, readability, content hierarchy, and getting visitors the information they're looking for; in this case, online training courses.


  • Website Redesign

  • Mobile Responsive

  • Lead Generation

  • Content Strategy

  • Clarify Messaging

  • Search Engine Optimization

Homepage Design and Development Mock Up
Evolve Fitness sub page designs

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